Monday, 30 November 2015

To: President Buhari’s Spokesman in SSA’s Defence of Luggage officer and Cook on PMB’s entourage, just read you online.
Sir: are the suitcases so much comparable to the ‘famous’ 53 suitcases of the 80’s when he was Head of State. Well then this is the 21st century you don’t need excess luggage for a few days official trip.
One ipad or laptop and your mobile office is set. Even Black Berry device works globally.
If Mr. President is going to be needing a luggage officer (LO), kindly you are years his junior and should be seen to be helping a man in his 70’s to carry his luggage. Don’t need a luggage officer Sir.
CHEF: In Africa if you are invited to an event  and you attend with your chef who prepares meals specially for you, the guest, it is regarded as “bad behavior”. And when these hosts in the Asia, America or Europe  etc who usually health conscious and accustomed to some of the best cuisines including African spicy meals, why must a President who profess Spartan, travel with LO & Chef? Add the cost of maintaining his presidential fleet and look with pity the suffering masses, cut down on costs.
Comparing previous regimes:-  keep in mind Nigerians voted or didn’t PMB win in fairness? If he won fairly he is one we demand should stop presidential profligacy!
Thanks Sir in anticipation of your consideration and thoughts on millions of Nigerians on $2/day,  promised welfare.
Attorney Carol Ajie

1 comment:

  1. Dear Carol,
    The only thing we are in government for is self aggrandizement, we will get to a position where people will no longer see common wealth as birthright.
    Nice one
