Wednesday 18 January 2017

GAMBIA: Midnight Truce Brokered By President of Mauritania

President Buhari Chief mediator appointed at ECOWAS meeting  he chaired in Abuja – make no mistake about it.  Had Mr President deployed skilled mediators Nigerians to help him deal with issues (complicated) we suggested weeks ago to PMB, the President of Mauritania  Aziz may not have taken credit for this.  Nigeria, great country rich human and natural resources.  They should stop killing us, Nigerians deliberately or accidentally; citizens are Nations’ greatest assets. 

Whilst  President  Muhammadu Buhari was deploying  fighter jets,  and hundreds of soldiers to the Gambia,  one man, his Mauritanian counterpart President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz deployed peaceful tools–mediation–dialogue–words not war – to avoid humanitarian catastrophes and refugees crisis, aggravated assault on women, children & vulnerable people.

Those who live by the sword could learn more about peace tools in a modern World moving away from swords to words.
Good morning Nigeria
Citizen Carol Ajie
LL.B (Hons) Benin; B.L (Lagos), MCIArb(UK); LL.M (Int’l Legal Studies) Georgetown; LAWA Fellow 2009-2010; Vital Voices Lead Fellow 2013-2017; IBA Human Rights Working Group Africa Regional Officer 2014-15; Global Champion for Change 2016-2017

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