Sunday, 30 October 2016

FBI Director Comey vs- Clinton: The Nigerian Experiment!

On Friday 28th Oct FBI Director Comey wrote to the Senate Judiciary Committee ref Clinton’s email server. US Attorney General Ms Loretta Lynch was not consulted. Recall that FBI Director Comey was nominated by President Obama and now he appears to be buckling under Republican pressure GOP political points against Hillary's historic chances of getting to the White House.

If Donald Trump should win it is not only the Mexican wall he is determined to build. He may not allow Nigeria’s President Buhari into Washington DC for the rest of his term and his Ministers might be affected. Visa is going to be problematic for  Muslims.  Already Trump is having issues with the less than 1% of the Muslim population in America. Already we are perceived as cracking down on religion and as we are likely to enact the pro-Sharia Bill, diplomatic relations between US &Nigeria will drive apart.

What to do pray Nigerians that President Donald Trump does not emerge. Any other candidate but Trump.  Hillary Best!

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