Sunday, 30 October 2016


“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their  very humanity” – Nelson Mandela, Civil Rights Activist

“Afterall when the world looks to America they look to us because we are the most successful  political and economic experiment in human history” –  Condoleezza Rice,  former NSA, former USSofS

China may not agree that US is a more successful economic experiment An Asian client did agree that US is greater than China.  Others may agree or disagree. Quotes are inspirational words symbolizing the Author’s great creativity, inventiveness and ingenuity.

Create your own quote today on human rights, political rights,  religious freedom, professional practice etc.  No one has the right to impede on your right to quotes.

Though your Immoral quotes conflict the laws; Obscene Publications Act. Ethics exist to regulate your language.  Lawyer's three key words "honour, nobility and learned". Do not get peeved cos another learned colleague who happens to be a man of God wrote his  own quote.
Happy Sunday!

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