Sunday, 30 December 2018


Equity takes as done that which ought to have been done. The Usoros presidency is going with 2018. Because:
Mr Usoro is facing a multi fraud charge. He ought, out of respect to the legal profession and to preserve its honour have resigned since 18/12/18 . He is henceforth taken as NOT our NBA President.

You and I are not and were not beneficiaries of the accused persons crime. Nigerian Bar Association is not a beneficiary.
All of us together cannot pay or be responsible for Usoros criminal conduct.

2018 is almost gone, 2019 pay money to Usoros presidency lose it. They intend to recoup the campaign funds they paid to those who took from them. Reason they are angry with Fmr CoS, Fmr Président ABM whom he succeeded, is that the Usoros thought once they got in they would find treasure and take it, unfortunately for them they met an empty treasury and NBA debts of half a Billion Naira. Angry about their double tragic financial losses, which PwC unearthed. Look McArthur Foundation's huge grant running into several hundreds of millions has been suspended under Usoros presidency. The Usoros cannot get it because the Foundation has suspended it so Usoros only hope is your BPF & conference fees.

Why do you think of the 3 presidential candidates all SANs Mr Usoro was the only SAN who refused to pronounce on a policy of a packet of NBA stamps free to lawyers upon payment of your BPF. Despite I wrote to him to give stamps at no extra cost. He wrote a public statement, 'no free lunch for NBA members on NBA stamps' Usoros mean spirit. That wasn't free you are paying BPF and you are entitled to a packet of NBA stamps for your legal practice.

Was the only SAN who refused to say with specifity that he will reduce the high cost of conference fees. Because the Usoros were part of the George Etomi AGC flop the Usoros were given the assignment to take care of logistics 2018 AGC and they scammed us.

Matters made worse, in money laundering cases such as the one they are facing, the State as a duty freezes the accounts of accused persons. As you know Efcc did not freeze NBA's account. So NBA would be Usoros sure Tills. Don't give them your hard earned money. Wait until the formalities for their removal is complete before you will pay bar practice fees BPF, 2019.

You will not condone that the tainted head of NBA remains in office spreading damage over innocent members of NBA. He has putrefied NBA and damaged our corporate reputation and we won't carry that liability thru 2019 the new year. Hence the incoming regime stays till 2020 when the NBA presidential Tripod will move from East to West and North in that order.

Yours respectfully,

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