“As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting
their gifts into the temple treasury. 2 He also saw a poor
widow put in two very small copper coins. 3 “Truly I tell you,”
he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4 All
these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty
put in all she had to live on.”
- LUKE 21: 1-4 or MARK 12:41-44
Peter Obi was not sitting at home in Anambra and Rev. Father Mbaka
walks in and an altercation occurred. NO! From the visual (video) account, Peter Obi
was in Adoration Ground Enugu under the Spiritual Directorship of a Catholic Priest,
Rev. Father Mbaka for Harvest and Bazaar festivals and refused to participate
Harvest and thanksgiving celebrations in the Holy Catholic Church
of which Peter Obi is, to use his own words, “foundational member”. I, cradle
member of the Church and my religious name is Carol Mary. I am consecrated and we
Always argue from a position of strength.
As I was saying, historically, the farmers in ancient Greece, in Rome,
the Hebrews, Chinese and Egyptians offered seed corns and fruits to the goddesses
in gratitude for bountiful harvests. This was what came down to the present age
harvest& bazaar; if the ancient people could celebrate in thanksgiving to a
lesser god much more in modern times devoting in thanksgiving to the Almighty God, the King of Glory,
the El Shaddai!
On Sunday 2nd Dec., 2018 I, my humble self participated
in the Harvest and Bazaar of a Parish. There were donations and pledges from as
low as N2,000 (Two Thousand Naira) to N2Million and so on. At the said harvest & bazaar, the spouse
of one of the Ambassadors was sitting next to me, a Muslim & she
Peter Obi didn’t need to create a scene in Enugu. Watch the video again
Father Mbaka said to Peter Obi, you do not have to mention any sum a pledge is
ok; that 2 Governors had made anonymous pledges or donations. Still Obi was
adamant and poised to degrade the Priesthood of a Church he founded. He forgot
the symbol “Peter upon this Rock I shall build my Church” See Matthew 16:18., and
he is in copy of this email, H.E Peter Obi you let the Holy Church down.
You may model on Prof Yemi Osinbajo have you ever seen him argue
with his Church the Redeemed over similar subject or at all. Mbaka said speak
to the congregation what is your pledge even utter the words “I make an
anonymous pledge” Thereafter you could send to them as little as even Five
Thousand Naira rather the Rock upon which our Church stands started
You may wish to return to the people in Enugu invariably a very
Catholic place or you may kneel in front of a statue of our Lord wherever you
are and ask for forgiveness. God is good all the time.
Best regards, your Excellency and kindly stop telling your
supporters to pray for Fr Mbaka to do the right thing was he not fair.
Carol Ajie, LL.M Georgetown
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