Thursday, 15 June 2017

Nationalism vs- Sectarianism: Maryam

Learned Mrs Maryam  Uwais
Thanks Ma’am yesterday she sent a newsletter of her NGO working in the North for Northerners according to her –  Not my words.  A slide describes someone as a Northerner working in the North, pursing Northern interest and that is ok for you to pursue your regional interests but then it’s a misnomer for you to describe a regional hero as a national hero. He, an inspiration to ALL Nigerians, my Lady NO! An inspiration to the North Yes!.

President Jonathan from Oil rich Bayelsa, right? Not one oil license did he issue to anyone and not one oil license belonging to anyone did he revoke (North virtually drains South South Oil Wells – Ha!
GEJ gave all to Northerners why mistreat him?.
Great Zik of Africa was a national hero, nationalist  based on sound principles of constructing a great Nation when others were concerned with their sectional agenda.
Think National
Think Nigeria
Act Nigeria
Be a Nationalist or if you prefer to be a sectarian then be content with the descript “sectarian”
Now our sectarian President would return from UK and claim he is a nationalist cos he protects a sect.
Watch this video – an appeal to government to protect peasant and non-peasant farmers from FM.
Good morning Nigeria

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