Monday, 24 July 2017

NBA AGC 2017 Software: LawBreed and LegalPedia Confirm it!

Dear Colleagues,
Still on NBA AGC’17 electronic legal research software for your e-law reports, the Constitution 1999, etc.
I get a Facebook post on Rules Watch Monday 24th July 2017 AM click
RULES WATCH Facebook Group for lawyers and the civil society.

TCCP posted an update on Rules Watch Facebook wall above  this blessed Monday morning to the effect that Law Breed, Legal Pedia are providing electronic legal research software for Lawyers for those who register for this year’s conference. Soon I treated the post I called the Owner Law Breed Layi Babatunde SAN, he confirmed it to me.

I call Legal Pedia Co-Founder Lady said Yes!  Agreed with NBA-TCCP to provide electronic legal research software for one year’s subscription free.  We are not providing the Tablets, she says just the software. We are providing the software to be launched at the AGC August 2017’.

Who is providing the tablets?. I guess NBA. Because Law Pavilion expressly said they are not in partnership on the subject of tablets. We do not want our members paying for materials and not receiving anything worthy. Previously,  2014-2016 Conferences organized by Mr Augustine Alegeh SAN and his team our members paid and struggled and fought over materials many didn’t get their conference bags etc.

The infradig of fighting and struggling over NBA conference bags, tablets and papers MUST STOP NOW! NBA talks of decorum and the same bar leaders steer indecorous conduct.  Lawyers pay for conference materials and tablets and software rather than hand it seamlessly to registrants, they want you to fight for it when ‘fisticuffizing’ is professionally prohibited. Lawyers don’t want to fight over tablets or anything, it is the NBA organizers and NBA officials who foist it on Lawyers perhaps out of penurious sense competence; a poor attitude indeed particularly for the leading light of the society.
Good morning Our Own NBA
Attorney CA

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