Thursday 25 October 2018


Finally on Wednesday 24th October 2018, four days after he passed Paul Usoro SAN NBA President wrote a condolence  in honour of the former CJN Kutigi, GCON and you can find it here click:

You will find the condolence on Mr Usoro’s Facebook page where he posted it himself at 3:31pm Wednesday 24th Oct., (DAY 4 of reminders to Usoro in to pay condolence to mourn Kutigi GCON as NBA Presdient would) after the Great Jurist was scheduled for burial at 2pm same day in the National cemetery. Click
Although the AGF Malami SAN was present, NBA wasn’t there as our President Paul Usoro SAN, FCIArb was completely absent therefrom.

On 31st August 2018, Usoro was sworn-in as the 29th President of NBA. Prior thereto, had appointed a Transition Committee US Model and some of us thought he was going to be a dynamic and savvy President in the mold of  Barack Obama. Mr Usoro appointed instanta some NBA Election Monitors for Osun State under the Chair of  Mr Tawo Tawo a Cross Riverian. Transition Committee Offiong Akwa-Cross.
Prior thereto, Usoro had dissolved all NBA Committees under the previous regime. NEC-NBA is in a few weeks as October draws to a close November would be the first quarterly meeting under the Usoro presidency. He has not called anyone to as much as suggest if they would want to serve in those NBA Committees he had dissolved. We blame Baba go slow on Buhari. But Nigeria’s President is 4 years subject to re-election for another 4 years, whereas NBA President enjoys a two-year tenure. That z it!
On 17th Sept 2018 Mr. Usoro SAN had addressed the Federal High Court Judges at the legal year and jabbed at them for failure to update FHC website. Read the critique in Usoro’s words: “We strongly recommend, in the interest of this Honorable Court and indeed, in the interest of the public the publication of such material information, data and statistics relating to the Court’s activities on a regularly basis – at the minimum, at the Court’s website. Such information must also be constantly updated, and I mention this based on my observation of the Court’s website which, in my very humble and respectful view, requires considerable upgrade. To illustrate the point, I need to mention that the Court’s website, as at this morning, 17 September 2018, shows that the Easter Vacation of this Honorable Court would be “one week from Easter Monday 2017” and the Long Vacation would be in “August 2017 - September 2017” and of course, the Christmas Vacation would be from “December 2017 – January 2018”. Usoro SAN 17th Sept., 2018 The link to the extract online is “NBA Publication”
You would think that a candidate who claimed to be ICT expert, internet savvy and suave would have gotten the NBA Website updated by now two months after he was sworn-in. If you visit the NBA website. Time is 10:25am Thursday 25th October 2018, the NBA Website still has the names of everyone Usoro said their coomittees were dissolved. NBA website now says A B Mahmoud SAN is the NBA President Oct 2018 if you will visit the page, Office of NBA President. Click

However, Mr Usoro SAN does not want people with ardent skills and knowledge to now help NBA in running our own NBA. For example he lacks the experience and exposure to know that when the President of NBA signs a press release he or she will send it to Thisday newspaper, Guardian, Vanguard, Punch, Daily Trust, the Nation etc., you give the press statement or press release or condolence messages to the NBA Publicity Secretary with support.  You don’t leave it there only online.

Many are unaware that Usoro failed to defray many campaign costs and I am not the only one Usoro is indebted to. Not even a bottle of Eva water eight naira. The man is more WICKED than APC. Laughter! Matter of fact post his election I was the one who bought the Usoros gifts I dropped for them in a small bag on Aug 30th  2018, post-election for him and his family to celebrate. I won’t mention the names of other Attorneys Usoro is owing hugely. He is one Lawyer who boasts he is a Billionaire yet indebted to non-Billionaires, his professional colleagues.
One of his critics say Usoro not driven to really work for NBA. Mission being NBA ladder for future years when he would run for the Senate or House of Reps or Gov Akwa Ibom State house, Senior Lawyer with a relatively low record of public interest work would stand to say “was I not NBA President?”. Good for his CV and that is a poor attitude Sir.
Yours respectfully,

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