Saturday 26 March 2016


"Paragraph 15(1) of the 5th Schedule to the 1999 Constitution provides that: “There shall be established a tribunal to be known as Code of Conduct Tribunal which shall consist of a Chairman and two other persons.”
Ordinary dictionary defines “consist” to mean “form” “compose” “comprise”. Three is the required number to achieve harmony eg in the event of a tie, the third member would break the tie. Won’t he or she? Therefore the draftspersons are right in making “3” mandatory for the Tribunal to be able to sit in judgment where three(3)“consist” or “form” a Tribunal session.  It is my respectful view that words should be given their ordinary meaning.
In Nigerian Army vs. Aminu-Kano (2010) 5 NWLR (Pt. 1188) 429 at 460, the Supreme Court per I.T Muhammed JSC held that “words as clear as sunlight” ought not to be truncated as such words would not require further interpretation other than their “plain and ordinary meaning”, reference to Everard vs. Poppleton (1884) 5 QB 181 at 184 where Lord Denham observed: Nothing is more unfortunate than a disturbance of the plain language of the legislation.”   With profound respect, Courts are not to construe the Constitution outside unambiguous words in the Constitution."

Carol Ajie's Paper  24rd March 2016 Professor Ben Nwabueze Centre For Studies In Constitutional Law And Related Subjects.

A Senior Said He Once Prepared Court Papers And His Client Said Let A San Sign The Court Process And That Happened Without The San Adding Anything Of Intellectual Worth Not Even A Full Stop - That Is Un-Fair.

Please Abolish Scrap Ban The Rank And None Should Feel Intellectually Inadequate Cos They Yanked Off San  Status He/She Should Be Content With The Status Of A Lawyer So Many Bear Proudly. Thank Y! They Say It Is A Privilege? What Sort Of Privilege Allows Anyone Steal The Intellectual Property Of Others?

What Sort Of Privilege Would Permit That You Impoverish 85% Or More Of Our Dear Colleagues Whose Fees The San Sleaze?. Fair? NOT FAIR!

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