Saturday, 7 July 2018


Dear Learned Friends,

The age given by God to everyone  is 120 years. Matter of conscience Chief Tunji Gomez Esq is 91 and fully mentally alert and active. He attends NBA Lagos premier branch meetings. He is active online/on Facebook; concedes points emphasizes his viewpoint very professional.

Maybe we should have appointed a 91-year old with energy to host the conference because I do not understand George Etomi’s TCCP. Professor Konyinsola Ajayi SAN (KA) and George Etomi (GE) seem about contemporaries. Whilst Savvy and intellectually suave KA does not conduct as though too Old man looking for direction, unsure. GE who is equally savvy and intellectually suave is now conducting as if he is an old man looking for direction over NBA conference 2018 he graciously accepted to organize.  I mean how do you explain on NBA Conference page you are told early bird for those above 20 years at the bar, N100,000= Same rate as 2017.  Mid registration is N150,000= and Late registration N300,000= for delegates in my category without stating the start point and the end for each category. GE has organized successful conferences and seminars he is a great organizer. How can he not disclose the following vital information to members:
1.  What is early bird. I read a private message that early bird is July 31st Why is it difficult to disclose this piece of information to prospective delegates to enable planning for attendees.

2.  TCCP has not told us what to expect when we pay AGC fees. KA in 2017 listed what to expect such as NBA AGC Tablets 2017 which came with a sim card and subscription to LegalPedia, etc,

3.  SPEAKERS WITHOUT TOPICS: Apart from the conference theme, TCCP under GE couldn’t identify any topic as if they are mentally lazy when we are aware they are some of the brightest in NBA. Rather TCCP pasted images(photos) of some unknown people some Africans some Americans and others as AGC speakers. The names were not tagged thereto. The topics they would be speaking on un-disclosed. What are they going to be talking on?. That is how ABA, IBA work and NBA under TCCP Chair KA did.

4.  ACCOMODATION: There is no useful information here. TCCP just wrote the word, accommodation without a list of any hotel(s).

5.  On the NBA conference website members see nothing inspiring. I actually wanted to register I clicked on register and I was expecting to read these are the expectations when I found none so I held on securely to my credit card. I am prepared and willing to register only if they are willing and prepared. If we are not ready for the conference as a result of the devastating effect KA’s resignation had,  we should have rejected KA’s resignation and allowed him proceed such that whatever differences he had with whomsoever ought to have been resolved to NBA’s glory.


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