Saturday, 9 January 2016

You are a Trailblazing Signer: More to Sign....

The Target 1,000 considering 360 members of the house of reps and 109 senators add NBA – NEC members 300-400 Lawyers add CSOs, etc.
Pageviews of petition at this time extremely successful:  45,000
Received at 11AM on Saturday 9th Jan instant achieved 3,600 signatures thus far some sign as anonymous given outlandish atmosphere of the tyranny of repression in Nigeria nowadays which Democrats abhor.
However, we have exceeded our target by 350%  of those who say
 “No” To Lawlessness and Violence
Please sign so that when victory is declared by those who call for Order against those who desire Disobedience of Court Orders and Anarchy, you will be counted a towering signer and or co-signers in Nigeria, on the Whitehouse blog in Washington D.C., in civil rights communities, by human rights advocates, amongst global activists and so on.
Thank you.

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