Sunday, 24 July 2016

NBA Disputes and the Doctrine Lex specialis derogat legi generali

NBA Disputes and the Doctrine Lex specialis derogat legi generali 

Article 16 of the NBA Constitution 2015 generally stipulates resolution of complaints in-house before litigation.  I have read the interview granted by Mr Alegeh SAN - his heavy weather on Article 16 and I think he ought to avert his mind to page 42 of our NBA Constitution, the second schedule  para 2.7 a candidate  dissatisfied with the decision of the NBA Electoral Committee on “disqualification” is given a maximum period of 7 days to appeal against it. The protest or appeal is to ECNBA and not NBA President please. It is incongruous to say he  did not  receive the disqualified candidate’s appeal.  Being within the province of ECNBA!!! 

The plaintiff must have counted 14 days  from  his appeal dated 23rd  June 2016 and received by ECNBA 24th June 2016 uptil 13th July 2016 when the court summon was taken challenging the wrongful and unlawful act.
Therefore Article 16 which deals with general dispute does not apply. Messrs Okutepa and Alegeh with all due respect update!!

If you say to a person unless you attended a Mosque or Redeem Church of Christ you will be disfavoured that is unlawful threat. If you say unless you took the lawful steps you will be challenged anyone who says the law does not support lawful threats does the law then support scapegoatism? 

The doctrine of  Lex specialis derogat legi generali applies. Where a Statute contains both a general provision as well as specific provision, the latter prevails. Please consider the maxim generalia specialibus non derogant  See  COMMERCIAL TAX OFFICER, RAJASTHAN v. M/S BINANI CEMENT LTD. & ANOR (2014) 3 SCR 1 and a plethora of authorities.

Good morning

Carol Ajie

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