Sunday, 10 July 2016

Presidential Aide Says Only Few Nigerians are Complaining?

The Presidential Aide next week Saturday  take a Taxi to a Supermart. Do not ride in your private car.

Chief Remi Fani-Kayode said that was how he measured the barometer of Shagari’s regime in the 80’s. He stood with some ordinary Nigerians precisely the Talakawas when President Shagari’s motorcade drove past and heard them shout “Barawo” “Barawo” – He said they were Talakawas.  The Hausa-Fulanis are not a lying tribe. We have lots of exceptions though amongst the political class whose stock in trade, is the reverse.

As I was saying Mr Adesina  now take a cab next Saturday and tell the driver to take you to “Grand Square” after  the Central Mosque by CBD.  Do not hire a Southerner please else they say he has regional bias. Take a Northern Driver and then chat in the ordinary person’s language.   The Northern Driver who took me to the Super market,  Saturday not long after I got into the cab I said to him  radio please I want to listen to radio or music.
CA: Radio please
CD: No radio Madam

CA: Why?
CD:  Fuel price increase led me to disconnect the radio so that I will no longer listen to APC lies.

CA:  Who caused the increase in fuel; those in government, in power.

CD: No Madam I am not happy I am from Katsina also and I am APC. I have my APC membership card in the cooler. I do not want to participate in APC activities anymore. Buhari and APC deceived us into voting for them. Now things are worse off than they were before Buhari came into office. We are suffering more hardship by the day and does he care?.  He said he is fighting ‘Kwaruption’ – meaning a corrupted version of the word. A regime that is fighting corruption and recovering Billions should let us the people be the beneficiaries, the money should work for Nigerians. (Transcribed)

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