Monday, 19 November 2018

IBA COUNCIL: Paul Usoro SAN and his Wife, Mrs Mfon Usoro Duped Me!

IBA Council London
This council membership changes whenever a new regime comes in.
NBA leadership changed in August 2018 Mr Usoro SAN was sworn in 31st. He sent me a private message to say thanks for supporting my election and you will be there for us. We appreciate your support.

Weeks post election I called IBA London office and because they know me well and have related with me in well over two decades of my IBA membership and humble resource person I was IBA Human Rights African regional officer. IBA sent me the Council form to revert to them when ready. Immediately I got in touch with the NBA President Usoro. When IBA great lady and I spoke IBA said three nominees are required such as the GS and President and the third person who should know how things work there. I told Usoro everything electronically and that I want to help NBA by providing quality service. The Fmr person who had represented NBA women was very withdrawn. Our members take maximum benefits if the person representing our noble institution is knowledgeable and active. Look there was no objection or dissension from Usoro of any sort.

I was required to produce positive results in a digital age. There was a column for total number of lawyers in Nigeria upto Dec 2017. It was the Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court a great Lady Hajia who helped out. It took days though to get the feedback from SC. Usoro knew I got all necessary information and filled a draft copy of the form and sent it electronically to Usoro and he stood no objection. It took two weeks to finalize it with our 3 names viz
Paul Usoro, President
Caroline Ajie LL. M Georgetown.
Jonathan Taidi Esq GS
Thereafter I emailed the final copy to IBA and copied Usoro the same email. No problem Until

Two weeks after insane SAN Usoro sent me an email that he has just seen my email and he started antagonizing me for no just cause.

That z it. Usoros pettiness.

I made clear it wasn't going to be business as usual you support people to get elected you have your name and integrity you dont put it into the regime to make it succeed. I said unless you say don't support my regime don't participate. You participate to be able to steer the course of history from within. Hitherto I had shunned participating in regimes I just keep criticizing and a US Attorney said Carol work with regimes and make regimes succeed.  That the NBA Stamp and Seal project which we discussed  comparing US practice to Nigeria’s and I said Wali SAN did reach out to me to work with him and if I had accepted President Okey Wali’s invitation in 2015 to serve as thereat we probably would not be here.  The Great Lady Lawyer who accepted was found relatively inexperienced in matters of NBA.

I don't know why Usoro is petty. I didn't set out to antagonize him. He said we should go to social media to fight. We had a dignifying channel of communication WhatsApp Mr Usoro was there Mrs Usoro was there and I was there throughout campaigns.  Post election, said he should now be criticized publicly.
Ini even those who are not Presidents are under pressure it's how you handle it. If you Ini that I never heard of your name before now and it's sounding like south south name I am South South even if am from England if you were to send a form digitally electronically i will send a text or email or WhatsApp to say please write so and so name instead of lying against me. Usoros not afraid of hell fire. It's because I am afraid of hell fire that is why I never lie if something is against me I still won't lie against anyone.
You say money laundering during campaign he told us the money was not taken from Akwa Ibom state govt coffers. We now read a different statement. Was I the one who wrote the statement?.

We told voters he is the most senior of three candidates we looked at things in his CV and presented what was there am I to blame for believing the things he said until he lied in front of me post election so I knew he has scant regard for uprightness.

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