Saturday 10 November 2018

My IBA Paper 2017: I Sent Mrs Mfon Usoro to Represent Me

In 2017, I wrote a paper on MEGA FIRMS: “Why Africa is lagging behind”. The topic was given to some of us, IBA Panelists to speak to. I asked Mrs Mfon Usoro to please represent me on the panel and make the presentation on my behalf she did, she got on IBA panel referenced above and converted my name to hers but that is okay because I am all for women empowerment. 

In 2018 at NBA AGC, Mrs Mfon Usoro would appear half bare-chested to NBA social events and politely I corrected her via text message because she is our NBA First Lady and wife and I said she should model on decent and professional clothing at least with a sleeve on, she took the correction, she now appears at least in short sleeves instead of leading by bad example by being half clad and that is commendable.
I was not the one who reported NBA ICT Partners Chams Plc and Paul Usoro SAN to EFCC for electoral fraud, please.

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