Saturday, 13 February 2016

Dear Secretary
Presidential Advisory Committee on Anti-corruption (PACAC)

In August 2015  APC led regime of President Buhari inaugurated PACAC and a five million dollars fund ($5m) was established. What would a writ for libel against  vulnerable JJSC  for putting a final seal to those litigations in the Oil rich states that you, APC and Mr President Buhari are Eyeing from Daura and Wailing!!!.

Wishing well with your grant fund. I don’t get any grant fund you know. Some litigations in the High Court,  I charge N5million fees per brief and they pay say N2.5million. I believe that sum probably won’t cover some committees slush sitting allowances. However, I sit or advocate on public interests FoC. Others also sit or advocate on public interest issues get fees and grants and fully salaried.  


Attorney CN Ajie

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